How to Simplify Your Love Life and Discover Your Joy
If there’s one thing we’ve learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of connection. That includes maintaining strong connections with our loved ones, but also forging new connections with partners. But it doesn’t always feel like an easy task, especially when things get stressful.
Let’s face it, our lives are complicated things. You’re balancing a job, a social life, maybe kids, and possibly study. Add the neverending ‘to do’ list to the mix, and your love life can sometimes take a hit.
Yet it’s possible to simplify your love life and discover an endless supply of joy and fulfilment. That's without playing games, following scripts, or denying yourself what you want.
The word 'simplify' might make you feel like you have to remove things from your life. I'm sure we all remember the Marie Kondo craze when she encouraged us to look at what we had and say "does it bring me joy?" If not...out it went!
Thankfully, simplifying your love life is easier than that. It means removing things you didn’t need to start with. Let’s dig into what you can do to find your joy!
Stop Dating Several People At Once
So many coaches will recommend that you date several people at once. One book even recommends you date four people at the same time! The general concept is that you won’t get too attached to one person too soon. This supposedly gives you time to figure out if someone is compatible with you.
Utter nonsense. This is the fastest way to over-complicate your love life. You’re basically hedging your bets by keeping ‘spares’ around. It’s difficult to keep track of what you've said to whom. That makes it hard to maintain healthy communication. It’s too hard to build a meaningful connection with a range of people at once.
Our intelligent approach adds cutting-edge behavioural profiling techniques to your dating toolbox. So you won’t need to do this. You can ditch the outdated and unpleasant benching and rotation practices! Instead, you'll spot compatibility so much quicker. Imagine being able to enjoy simple yet fulfilling connections with compatible people!
Ignore Most Dating Advice
I know, this is ironic, right? You're reading an advice article and we tell you to ignore dating advice. Yet it’s counter-intuitive to discuss your dating issues with everyone you know. You get conflicting comments because it's all filtered by the experiences of others. They project their hang-ups or beliefs back onto you. Or they'll recycle tired cliches that don’t help. You won't get anything meaningful in response, and you end up more confused than you were to start with.
To simplify your love life, pick one friend to confide in—ideally one who has the kind of relationship you'd like to have yourself. Or hire a dating coach so you can work through things with an objective person. Discuss things with them and get a single healthy perspective, rather than several competing ones.
Put Honesty First
We always say that communication needs to be a priority in any relationship. If both people know where they stand, they can remove a lot of the confusion that causes such upset and pain.
Many problems occur when one partner thinks the other should know what’s wrong. So the trick to keep things simple is to remember your partner is not psychic. Tell them what’s on your mind and discuss it like adults. That’s why we teach communication techniques so you can have conversations with ease.
If you’re dating, apply the same principle. Be honest with your dates. Don’t worry about following silly scripts to make them fall for you. Forget about all the childish games about when you can and can’t text back. Be yourself—and if they don’t like it, they’re not the right one for you. Being honest will simplify your love life and improve the quality of your connections.
Put Yourself First
We’re not taught to put ourselves first in western society. Doing so is often viewed as being selfish. Instead, we put everyone else and their needs ahead of ours...while feeling bad we’re not getting our needs met! Self-care is so important, yet it’s been reduced to twee Instagram slides or soundbites.
Simplify your love life by putting yourself first. Make sure your needs are met, even if you’re the one meeting them for now. If you're single, doing things you enjoy gives you more chances to meet people who also enjoy them. If you're in a couple, it lets you 're-fill your cup' so you can better show up for your partner.
This also comes back to the ‘honesty’ part. When we’re honest about what we need, we give our partners the chance to provide it! This makes us happy, which makes them happy. See? Simple.
Don't Hold Grudges
Grudges help no one. Some people keep score, or 'save up' past insults and upsets, to unleash in the next argument. Often, their partner was either unaware of these or had forgotten the incidents. Bringing them out like star witnesses in a celebrity trial is confusing and unfair.
Simplify your love life by dealing with issues and problems as they arise. Once you've addressed it, let it go. Don’t keep it in reserve for the next argument. This will make life more pleasant for you because you’re not dragging toxic baggage around with you. It also makes the relationship a more engaging and supportive space for your partner. That makes them more likely to show up for you too.
Boost this Anti-Grudge approach by focusing on what you appreciate about your partner. Everyday gratitude for your partner actually increases your relationship satisfaction. So every day, pick three things you appreciate. This helps you focus on what you like about the partner, not what drives you mad. Get them to do the same about you and watch it bring you closer!
Show Up For Those Who Show Up For You
If you only take one step to simplify your love life, make it this one. It's such an elegant concept though it can be difficult to put in place.
Don't waste your time on people who don't make the effort. If someone is interested in you, then you should know they are. Having to guess how they feel, or figure out where you stand, is a bad sign. Even if they are genuinely interested, it shows a severe problem with communication and self-expression.
We've all been there. We've met someone, felt a spark, and thought there could be a future there. But we soon end up putting in all the effort. They don't say no, but they don't take the initiative either.
Eventually, they either meet someone else or just gradually disappear. It leads to an awful lot of unnecessary heartbreak.
Instead, show up for the people who show up for you.
How Will You Simplify Your Love Life?
Some of these tips might go against what other people have told you. But we guarantee they’re a great idea if you want to simplify your love life and deepen your connections with those around you.
Connection is key to a healthy relationship so it’s worth spending time investing in it.
In fact, we’ve created a webinar to teach you exactly why connection matters and how to have a loving relationship that lasts!
Click the button below now to reserve your spot.