10 Questions to Get Ready To Date For A Long Lasting Relationship
Have you ever been eager to get out there and go on as many dates as possible…only to be left feeling exhausted, depleted and down? All because you’re not able to meet someone you feel genuinely excited about?
This is what happens when you are not ready to date.
People are too keen to date while they’re going through the process of getting ready. If you feel you ‘need’ to download Tinder or go on dates, then stop! You’re dating from a place where you don’t know who you are without a partner, which means you’ll just repeat the same mistakes.
Meeting someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with is an important decision to make. It’s important that you are in the right space to make that decision!
Otherwise, you can find you go out there and find it hard to find anyone you want to date. Or no one is going to feel completely right to be with, but you end up working hard for someone’s attention just to have attention. Before you know it, you’re in a relationship where you lose yourself because it’s not actually aligned with who you are. Making someone like you becomes more important than building the right relationship.
It doesn’t have to be like this. So in this post, we’ll share the ten questions you need to ask yourself to make sure that you are ready to date so you can enjoy a long-lasting relationship!
1) Are you able to enjoy your own company?
Can you sit in a room on your own, with no laptop, phone, friends, and enjoy your own company?
If you can’t, don’t worry. Many people struggle with this because their trauma prompts them to do something, anything to keep busy. That might mean playing video games, watching endless boxsets, even calling someone so they can have someone else prioritise their feelings. They do all this, rather than focusing on themselves.
It’s all about avoiding emotions.
None of this will help if you’re trying to date.
Put it this way. If you don’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect someone else to? You can’t feel confident about being around others, or inviting someone into your life, if you try to avoid yourself.
If you’re uncomfortable in your own emotions, then when you do meet someone who is self-aware, you might freak out when they truly ‘see’ you for who you are. People who aren’t ready for this will shut that kind of relationship down. Once you are comfortable in your own company, then you’ll be able to enjoy a strong connection with a self-aware person.
Does this sound like you? Keep reading. The tips we give for the other questions will help you build yourself up so you enjoy your own company.
2) How connected are you to your emotions?
The truth is, not many people are connected to their emotions. We’re not actually taught how. Ask yourself, when did you last feel into your body and recognise what you’re feeling right now?
Go on. Try it. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and gently pay attention to your whole body. There will be a sensation somewhere that will tell you what you’re feeling. Are you feeling relaxed? Stressed? Frustrated? Calm?
Don’t worry about what comes up, either. Emotions are temporary and none of them are actually bad. They’re just the body’s way of giving you information. You don’t need to ‘get rid’ of negative emotions. Just acknowledge them and let them pass.
The more often you do this, you’ll build up a better emotional vocabulary and you’ll be able to tap into how you feel. This also makes it more likely you’ll be able to live the life you want to lead. Once you operate from your emotions, you can make your choices based on your gut instincts and what feels good.
People who are connected to their emotions are more self-aware and more fulfilled. They don’t need to rely on other people for reassurance.
You’ll also be able to spot what needs to be healed by recognising your triggers. If an unexpected emotion comes up, you’ll be able to see it for what it is, and take that as a prompt for healing. You won’t act from a place of fear or self-defence anymore.
So set an alarm twice a day on your phone. Use it as a prompt to feel into your body and what it’s telling you. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you make in a small space of time!
3) Does life feel good for you?
Do you wake up feeling good every day? Are you excited to see what the day brings?
Or do you sleepwalk through life, doing everything on auto-pilot before you go to bed, ready to start the same routine tomorrow?
If you’re not in a place where you feel good in your life, then you won’t feel good sharing your life with someone else.
Commit to your happiness first. If you’re looking for someone else to make you happy, then you’re telling yourself that you’re not enough on your own to be happy. And that’s nonsense.
Being able to do this will also help you spot the right partner. If you wake up excited to talk to them and spend time with them, then that’s a good sign that they’re a good fit for your life. Anyone who doesn’t make you feel this way is an instant ‘no’.
If you suffer from depression or anxiety that stops you from recognising the good in your life, please reach out for help. I promise you, you deserve to enjoy your life. Getting therapy or counselling can be one of the biggest acts of self-love that you can do.
4) Are you clear on what you are looking for?
Do you know what you want from a partner and a relationship? From your life? If you don’t know, then you won’t know it when you have it.
You need to consider what is important for you when you meet a partner. Never mind what people say you should look for in a person or a relationship. What’s right for you is the important thing. After all, what’s essential for you might be irrelevant for your best friend.
But knowing exactly what those important things are means you can meet someone who is on the same page. That makes all the difference between someone you just pass the time with and someone you build a life with.
Not sure what’s important to you? Use the compatibility matrix in our free Meet the One guide to find out!
5) Do you trust yourself?
Ask yourself, what is trust? When was the last time you felt you could trust your emotions?
People who can’t trust themselves are usually the most disconnected from themselves. They certainly can’t trust a new partner.
Say that you decide you’re going to start a new sleep habit. You tell yourself that you’ll go to bed by 10 pm every night. Let’s say you manage it! After a month, you’ll have stuck to your word and gone to bed by 10 pm every night.
What does that say to your unconscious? That you can keep your word, and that keeping your word means more to you than breaking a commitment.
But what if you keep it up for a couple of days, and then start pushing it back by 15 minutes every night? A boxset or two later, and you’re going to bed by 1 am.
You’ll soon be berating yourself, with phrases like “I can never stick to anything” and “I just can’t stick to a routine” running around in your head. You won’t be able to trust yourself.
Sticking to a simple new habit is a great way to build your self-trust on a daily basis. That will help you rebuild your relationship with yourself. It also shows you what’s really important to you.
6) Have you forgiven yourself for your past relationships?
Most people are over their ex-partners as people. Despite that, they’re still angry, ashamed, or guilty about their past relationships and choices.
Back when you were in that relationship, you were a different person. That version of you was doing the best they could with what they had. And they wanted to enter a loving relationship. That was a beautiful intention! If you wanted the best for yourself and your partner, then that’s what matters. Not what happened in the relationship.
You’re actually a different person today. Literally, by the way. Your cells replenish every day, and within 80-100 days, you'll have replaced 30 trillion cells, which is basically a new you. But this new you knows more, and you can do things differently. You can still have that beautiful intention to love and be loved, but from where you are now.
If you don’t let go of this past version of you and heal that anger or guilt, then you’ll bring that into your next relationship. This stops you from being authentic, which stops you from being able to form new connections. So forgive the choices Past You made, and focus on Present You.
7) Do you have good boundaries in place?
Boundaries are an essential way to keep your own peace. Tired of your friend who always bends your ear for an hour about her love life, but never asks how you are? Put a boundary in place. Sick of your boss expecting you to do an urgent report the day before it’s due in your own time? Put a boundary in place.
So ask yourself. What are you putting in place to prevent the same things from happening now that happened in the past?
Your boundaries should never come second to what someone else wants. Maintaining your boundaries is an excellent way to build your self-trust. It shows your unconscious that you matter, and you care about yourself.
Boundaries are also much like compatibility because they depend on what is important to you. If something genuinely doesn’t bother you, then you probably don’t need a boundary about it. But anger or disappointment is often a sign that a boundary has been crossed. (That’s why it’s so important to be able to recognise your emotions!)
But boundaries also teach people how to treat you. Let’s go back to the self-trust issue. Let’s say you’ve said that you’ll go to bed at 10 pm every night. But a new partner tries to keep you on the phone until 11 pm. If you let them, it teaches them that they can always get around your boundaries. They’ll never treat you with respect because you haven’t respected your own boundaries.
Practice following boundaries you set with yourself before you set them with others.
8) Do you believe you can have the relationship that you desire?
As Henry Ford once said, whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right.
Go ahead and think about the type of relationship you’d enjoy having. What kind of relationship would get you excited? What would make you think “Yes! I have finally succeeded in finding love!”?
Do you believe you can have that? Do you believe you deserve it?
Many people believe they have to work hard for love or to earn love. They feel they need to do this before they can deserve it. But love isn’t a reward you get for good behaviour. If you have to work to be loved, then it’s not really love. It should never be transactional.
Feel into your body and think about the type of relationship you want. Feel into which part of your body responds. Is it a positive feeling? Or a negative feeling?
Pay attention to that signal. A negative feeling lets you know if this is something you need to work on. Once you’ve shifted that response to a positive one, you’re ready to date.
9) Have you identified your relationship patterns?
The mind has so many external stimuli to process that it likes to put actions and behaviours onto auto-pilot. This helps it to filter what’s really important. That’s why you can walk a particular route and realise you don’t remember getting to your destination. These auto-pilot programs, created by your brain, are your patterns.
We learn these patterns in childhood before we have a filter to help us understand what we’re seeing. That’s why you can sometimes end up with a partner who is similar to a parent. Or your relationships play out the way your parents’ relationship did.
Identifying patterns helps you avoid having the same type of relationship over and over. If you don’t know what went wrong, then how can you stop going into the same type of relationship again and again?
Were you always the parent? The victim? Breaking those patterns is what will let you find a genuine and supportive relationship.
It’s important to identify and heal your relationship patterns. Simply recognising them isn’t enough. You must heal them before you can avoid them.
10) Are you committed to your happiness?
Many people aren’t committed to their own happiness. People are often more committed to their misery. You hear more about the bad situations than the good things in their life.
Yes, it can be easier to complain. Maybe the traffic is always bad on your commute. Perhaps you can never find shoes you like in your size. You’ll always find something to annoy you or moan about.
But if you’re focused on your misery, you can often make happiness something that you think you’ll get from someone else. In this situation, you’re going to end up in co-dependent relationships where you continually put someone else first. You feel you need to make them happy so they’ll make you happy.
This makes you dependent on your partner to be happy. So if you’re not fulfilled by them, you literally cannot be happy. This takes away your power to fulfil yourself.
But that’s not how it works. Partners should grow as individuals and grow the relationship together. Relationships are about working as a team and being equals. You both need to fill your own cup with happiness before you can look after the relationship.
Start focusing on the small things in life that you enjoy. It might be recognising that it’s a beautiful day. Or being thankful for that amazing cup of coffee. Maybe you’re just happy because you petted a cat on the way to work. This is a simple way to switch your focus from your misery to your happiness.
And yes, this is also a beautiful way to rebuild your relationship with yourself!
Are You Ready To Date?
While reading this, could you answer ‘yes’ to a lot of the questions? If so, great! You’re closer to being ready to date.
If not, then check out the tips we’ve given. Getting ready to date isn’t necessarily about grand gestures or elaborate healing rituals. It’s about making lots of little choices every day that add up to a happier and more fulfilled life for you. This puts you in a better place to have a life you want to share with other people.
Remember, compatibility is key. Without compatibility, you’ll always feel like something is missing. And you deserve better than that!
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